Saturday, September 16, 2006


We know that our consciousness inhabits a physical body, similar to other physical objects only known as phenomena. Yet our consciousness is not commensurate with our body. Most of us possess the power of voluntary motion. We usually are not aware of our lungs' breath, or our heartbeat, unless our attention is called to it. Our ability to control either is limited. Our kidneys command our attention on their schedule rather than one we choose. Few of us have any idea what our livers are doing right now, though this organ is as needful as lungs, heart, or kidneys. The conscious mind is the servant, not the master, of these and other organs. These organs have an agenda which the conscious mind did not choose, and has limited power over.

Of course!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I do not agree with the idea of sex having become pleasant to humans, in order to encourage us to reproduce, and help the process of survival. I believe finding, and seeking, gratification in sexual scenarios and practices, and being passionate about the other possibilities of mating activities, are the inevitable fruit of another evolving phenomenon: the human brain.

It is, indeed, interesting that the pleasurable act of reproduction among humans could have played a role in our survival, as a type of species, on this planet, but I definitely do not see any relation between a coincidental fact and the way humans perceive, understand and experience sexuality as an enjoyable matter, because there have been many people who have found close to zero appeal in sex for various different reasons, but have still managed to reproduce fairly well, throughout our history.
At the same time, many sides of human sexuality have almost nothing to do with breeding and survival.

Religious texts are good sources for studying the perspective of a group of individuals, which usually happens to be a dominant force in their society, in regards to this subject at certain points in our intellectual evolution, which is directly related to the evolution of the brain as a computational organ at our service.

There can never be any certainty about the past history, since not everything has been documented, and not all that have been, have survived up to an age when they could be known to a wider group of people, and analyzed by more experts.
It would be a good idea to model the different historical facts known to us. After an exhaustive analysis, assign a different term, of a different weight, to each fact, and use predicting algorithms to verify the past (which would not be difficult to test on the past few hundred years since more information about the different states of the planet and humans has been documented), and foresee the future.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I tend to see the violence inflicted by different political powers around the world, for unjust reasons, and useless purpose, as childish stunts of sheer stupidity.
So I ignore them, and charge to declare a greater war... on ignorance which can manifest in countless shapes and forms.

Only acquiring knowledge, and drawing "educated" and testable conclusions, can counter ignorance.
It is best for people taking this path to be detatched from any type of bias towards any subject matter, so that the process of analysis produces less erroneous results.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


The networks on each level are made up of groups of smaller networks which create results of different strength, with one or more (up to n-1) dominant terms.
Points of importance: The voltages created by different networks, the different types of connection between the networks, the geometrical characteristics of the networks and connections...

The error, created by the dynamic nature of the systems, which in turn is caused by the existing uncertainties on smaller scales, introduces the instability, and uncertainties, of the larger scale.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Different principles, facts and realities cannot all be true, but they can all point to a true direction.

The sum (combination) of terms of different power, with varying coefficients. Introduce an approptiate error detection, and management, method and guide the direction of change.


Memories do die, in fact, cells die. Or go through such a drastic change, that they lose their previous functionality, and take on a new one.

Where are the limits? Where are the points of importance? How are they defined, and calculated? How do they relate to each other?

Now Playing: Boards Of Canada - Oirectine

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Computational Elements

The rate of change of the chemicals building the brain, which cause the generation, and transmission, of the electrical signals within the organ, guides the flow of the signals, and forms the structure of the neural networks that are responsible for the computational power of the brain.

The computations result in one absolute conclusion, and many relative ones. The absolute conclusion is the more, or most, global conclusion(s) computed, after the process of the data, on each group level.

Groups: Different sets of (received or stored) information, and the respective networks responsible for processing them.

Stronger conclusions are made on more global scales. The different groups of data, the different networks which process them, and the relationships among the networks, determine the nature of these more global conclusions.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


There maybe a 1000 reasons why people believe in anything they believe in, or have believed in throughtout the history. The distinctiveness of the reasons does not have relevance to the fact that they are causes which map future effects, and outcomes, based on real-time past and present data.

The beliefs give birth to actions, decisions, and new beliefs. The results are stored in the live matter inside the brain in forms of groups of networks which together help compute and process the data it stores and receives on a continuous basis. The networks are governed by electro-chemical reactions, therefore, the level of the chemicals constructing these reactions, their rate of change, becomes of significant computational value. The reactions are enforced and executed on molecular, and even atomic levels. The true nature of the rules of these levels is not of importance to the study of human life and behavior.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Neural Processes:

If the focus of the process is to achieve a certain state, to cycle around a certain point of importance, choosing weights which would result in values close to the target value would be desirable in designing the process algorithm.
Could the effect of these assigned weights be considered "neutral" in the sense that their values do not end up causing too much fluctuations to the either end of the spectrum in the final results?

They are still actively engaged factors even if they are essentially neutral.

A: In the practical continuous analysis of such a system, that definition of neutral essentially depends on the assumed range of the weights. The ranges which cause drastic changes in the behaviour of the system can never be considered "neutral" unless, of course, neutral is defined completely different in another language.

The last sentence remains valid.

Employing neutral decision-making processes will result in better target achievements in most cases if one considers their true origins in cellular structure and behaviour, bio-chemical interactions and the available networks, and how they connect to each other.

... The way the brain can dynamically, but not efficiently at all, grow and change through simple repeating algorithms, to fulfill certain purposes, and to communicate with the outside world.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


In order to understand how humans behave on an individual or social level, it is necessary to examine the ways in which their body reacts to the reception of information through the human senses. One might say, the key is hidden in understanding how the human body regulates its functional process in response to the data it receives through the senses of vision, audition, gustation, olfaction and tactition [1].

But that is not enough. It is also essential to take into account the information stored inside the brain as a result of the reception of data, because it can be used as previous data in the process of analysis of the outcome of future actions, decisions, etc., and it is also helpful in formulating the methods through which thoughts that result from the "thinking" process being performed by the brain (or in other words, the process of the interaction of the existing stored groups of data inside the brain with themselves, or the outcomes of the reception of data through senses) are formed.

Physical reactions in the body are caused by the changes in the conditions of the chemicals inside it. Many of these are associated with certain feelings by the brain. The roots of all feelings known to mankind are more than likely easily traced through these processes down to the molecular, or even atomic, level.

Comprehending how our brains work, or how humans behave and act, is only possible through studying the subject on different levels of different nature, looking at the system through different lenses of different magnitude and texture... more than one view is needed.

Every phenomenon related to the subject needs to be broken down into basic steps which are preferably significant on different scales.

[1] Feelings like heat (or lack thereof) and pain are directly controlled by the brain in a sense that the information received by the brain through the sense of touch is almost simultaneously translated into data related to the said feelings, or in other words, subconsciously interpreted by the brain. (Obviously, the feeling of pain in the internal organs follows a different procedure as the sense of touch is not involved. Though, it is still directly, and subconsciously, controlled by the brain.)


It is time to attempt to view infinity from a different perspective. Infinity is not negligible anymore. We have to stop justifying our fear of the unknown by trying to shove infinity up in a hole, and shutting it close. It is required to understand ways in which considering infinity is influential around the universe, and vigorously include them in our analysis (which is very mathematical in nature) of the world in which we're living.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I don't believe in conventional systems of morality most others choose to believe in. I'd rather use my own system of thoughts which are open to progression and evolution, and those which are dedicated, in theory and practice, to a mighty powerful skill a group of men have developed throughout the history of mankind's intellectual evolution, to search and seek the truth through scientific process.

I apply the morality of decrseasing the error of choosing the wrong alternative while making decisions and performing actions, based on my own level of understanding and knowledge of the state of different factors involved in any particular situation. The morality is shaped and formed to serve my own survival, although given the rather uncertain nature of most factors and events, it's subject to change.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


If processes within a system express similar patterns on different scales, the scales themselves must follow an infinitely-large scaled pattern in order for the system to be of the infinite order.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Question answered

Does the associative memory that the brain keeps play a role in speeding up the process of transmitting information from the sensory outlets to the brain? In other words, when you taste something sweet, does knowing how sweetness tastes and that what you're tasting is supposed to taste that way contribute to the speed of the process of registering the taste of what you are eating inside the brain?

Answered on: 04/03/2007

No, but it could play a role in processing the information inside the brain, after they have been received. The taste example is probably not the best, but the associations already existing inside the brain can most likely have effects on the speed, and the state, of neural information processing.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sacrificial Suicide

1. Woods of Sodomy and Blood

2. Tearing Your Heart Away (In Pleasure or Pain)

3. Whipping Mankind Into Submission

4. Kill me, but never die

5. Procreation Through Destruction (Summoning Chapters in Fire & Death)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Self-organization vs. entropy

"It would appear that, since isolated systems cannot decrease their entropy, only open systems can exhibit self-organization. However, a closed system can gain macroscopic order while increasing its overall entropy. Specifically, a few of the system's macroscopic degrees of freedom can become more ordered at the expense of microscopic disorder.

In many cases of biological self-assembly, for instance metabolism, the increasing organization of large molecules is more than compensated for by the increasing entropy of small molecules, especially water. At the level of a whole organism and over longer time scales, though, biological systems are open systems feeding from the environment and dumping waste into it."


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Completely Random?

One of the main problems that we, as humans, the "intelligent" animals, have continuously developed throughout our change and evolution, through the interactions of the different networks available inside our brains, is the dimensional closed-mindededness, or the lack of ability to increase our range of processing the knowledge of different topics and levels of matters in the universe we're living in, and considering more facts about how everything works. And as it seems, this greatly affects the way in which we make life-changing decisions throughout our lives, therefore, there cannot be any question about its impact.

Humans, as another endless form of simple species living in an ordinary universe, in general, cannot leave the insignificant locality, and consider a more general totality (which can be assumed to be ever-expanding, and continuously happening).
Obviously, there have been changes in the lives of the modern generations, but the problem is still alive.


Since most of the advances, and technologies, achieved in the past decades have been based on practices in complex and advanced mathematics, it is easier to model, study and analyse the way they have been affecting our behaviour, mind, and really the changes of the structures in our brains, during this time. It is easier to formulate a rational and logical pattern and concept as the reasons behind how we, humans, behave, decide and act in rather predictable ways, in most cases.


When we learn, when we, the intelligent animals, save a memory, (and in other words, come to a judgmental or well-thoughtout conclusion about any type of incident), we create, change or suppress networks inside our heads.
Using a certain part of the brain is equal to having more electro-chemical reactions circulating, in various forms and shapes, (?) in that certain region. Better-kept networks perform better towards their purpose.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

RE: A. Turing, and machine intelligence

If a machine is manufactured to implement a learning algorithm, and if it is equipped with enough memory, the machine will be able to increase its level of intelligence, and show intelligent behaviour as time goes by. Of course, the initial level of intelligence which it possesses can definitely be a contributing factor in this process. So, it is possible to implement different levels of intelligence, given that the algorithms for doing the implementation is known. It is also possible to implement various forms of intelligence (which might be inter- or correlated).

This can be proven by a closer analysis of the formation and evolution of the human intelligence, and therefore, the human brain, throughout the history.

Living is merely achieved through the process of computing the algorithms. As one might say, an inevitable outcome of a series of deterministic, yet complex, iterative cycles.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Fresh. Maybe not...

Most phenomena follow a 'scaled trend' in which they change form, and functionality, on different scales, through continuously-evolving processes. It is possible, and necessary, to find these different scales, and form different discrete sets and groups to model the behaviour of the phenomena.

The discrete part determines the coming steps through the help of the continuous methods and ways, as in a system with a chaotic/deterministic type of behaviour.
This could be shown by the endless, infinite and fractal structures some of the systems seem to be showing.

The actual structure of the computer and telecommunication networks which make up the whole internet thesedays could probably have a fractal model, since it seems to be covering a very large, relatively close to infinite, surface.
In processes which have a set of rules to be followed (so, basically any type of phenomena), and through which a goal is achieved, a set of time-varying algorithms train the system through a 'learning cycle' to evolve according to the book of rules.
NOTE: These rules can be almost to impossible to find in some cases.
Simple Examples:
Any type of sport. Natural selection and evolution. Any type of modern society.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Fucking titles...

The key to the gates of comprehending the universe, and the life, we as humans have been experiencing throughout the ages, is molten in the heat of recognising the existence of the determinism which rules the universe, and formed in the mold of understanding the ways through which it works and changes.

Now Playing: Antonio Vivaldi - Gloria in D major, RV 588

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Humans have always been displeased with their lives on earth, and they have always longed for a perfect and eternal utopia, since they have always dreaded that their death and demise would be the end of their existence.

Pessimism caused by a sense of realism has its own different dimensions.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


It is a well-known fact that it is possible to use the state, or the amount, of the chemicals inside the body to extract information about the health of the person, their personality, and other critical data, at that particular moment in time. It is also known that these levels can change, and the external, or internal (in the sense of the iterative behaviour of the body), factors and influences can also be a cause for the increase or decrease in the state of the chemicals.

It is also possible to mathematically model this variation in the chemicals, and study the ways in which it can be influenced, formed, and guided to use it as a means to describe, predict, alter, and create similar systems which are capable of demonstrating human-like behaviour.

The currest state of the mind is a result of the changes in the body, or its surrounding, in the past time(s). These past events are stored in the brain, the same way the memories are, because that is basically what they are. So the mathematical models used to analyze the process of recalling memories in the brain for pattern recognition might also be useful in constructing the networks through which our bodies function(*), and different aspects of our personalities are shaped and defined.
(*) The body functions can be influenced by the so-called "mental" states of the mind (in fact, these states are the chemical state of the body), so they should also be involved in the process of modelling.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


The issue of trying to associate every single happening with a more spiritual, or deeper, meaning and essence while in all honesty, the chain of events could not have a more deterministic and simple sequence of patterns, has been the cause of many people's, implicit or explicit, suffering throughout the ages.
Many of the concepts held-high by different groups of people in any group types (cultural, economical, continental, regional, etc.) have nothing special and extraordinary to them. The predictability of the ways in which they can be achieved, caused, and controlled shatters the image of them as the absolute positively-valued beliefs, traditions, thoughts and guides to live by, and makes them as ordinary as the leaves changing colors at the beginning of the fall, the infant's cries at the time of hunger, and the force of attraction caused by gravity on the surface of the earth. (Of course, the sensitive nature of these phenomena, and the fact that they can change under different circumstances cannot be ignored, but is irrelevant to the point being made.)

It is, indeed, very amazing that these all work the way they do, and help create the "civilization(s)", and assist in guiding and forming the "life" that the humans have been living throughout the history. However, not being able to observe the widespread imperfections, the incompetence of the created networks, and the down right shitty states in which most of these phenomena behave, react and procreate(*), is just a simple sign of an extremely naive perspective which is very common among the "intelligent" animals.

(*) - These issues are direct or indirect results of the simple, and mostly lacking, patterns and sequences through which different processes act, react, create, destroy, behave, etc.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


The reason the physical body, and the feelings of pain, and other "abnormal" feelings, in particular; are not felt and sensed by the central control unit of the body (i.e. the brain) under the influence of certain drugs, is the fact that the balance, or whatever level considered to be the normal level, of one (and often two, or three at the most) certain chemicals and substances inside the body is pushed off the edge (in one way or another) through of a very broad distribution of the after-effects of the change in processes by which it is achieved (which could be a change in the initial amounts of the chemicals present or a change in the form of the process), which is propagated throughout the whole body in an amazingly efficient and fast manner.

More On The Nature of These Processes:

They are time-variant, and changing, in both increasing or decreasing directions (obviously more towards the decreasing one in the case of the particular feelings mentioned above). They can be modelled by first, second or third order, at the most, differential equations.

The level of the each and every chemical determines the current state of the brain (many of these levels can be ignored since they do not change throughout these processes, so their rate of change is zero). The changes in the levels alter the current state of the brain in their own distinct ways, which are obviously different in any individual, but similar in groups of individuals.
The details of the propagation can be traced down to the smallest scales since it might be possible to model their natures in different ways on different scales, which adds to the complexity of the whole process.

The infinitely large surface area covered by the micro- and nano-level veins and pathways throughout the whole body makes this all possible.

Friday, February 24, 2006


Naturally, we are so used to the idea of being alive, or so blinded by the hope of an after life, that we take the whole concept of being rather "different" living creatures who are experiencing something quite unique, definitely in the historical prospect, and also the individual perspectives, because our doom and destruction is our end (of course, perhaps not exactly an absolute one) for granted.

"Living" becomes so much of an ordinary, everyday type of redundancy in our lives that we forget how we actually do it, we totally disregard how special, unique, spectacular, and yet flawed and imperfect, the smallest details, and the biggest pictures, associated with our lives (in any way, structure or form) are.

Monday, February 13, 2006


There is a problem with the digital, or discrete, technology, which is becoming larger and larger as time goes by and the technology, and our knowledge in general, advances. And that problem is the simple fact that there is a very finite set of methods and ways in which systems can be designed and implemented. Digital technology is very smart, but it is not, by any means, the most creative, original, and efficient, design idea ever thought up by anyone. It is not efficient because it cannot be too creative, the chances are limited.

This problem has become more obvious as the scientific knowledge regarding more dynamic and complex design ideas has become more and more available throughout the past decades.

The digital technology is bound to fail at some point near in the future, and more continuous, similar-to-real-life system ideas which provide the designers with more and more options, will be (as they have already) applied more rigorously. However, there could still be instances and applications for which the "old" digital way of design would be more appropriate.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Plot Idea

A group of gods living in a world. They have the ability to learn and progress. The way it works: They have all the means, just need to apply them. At some point in their lifetimes, their current lives have to come to an end. After resurrection, they have more advanced, better qualified, methods they can progress by. And the process repeats for all eternity. No end is known, no future is certain. Though, the ability to foresee the outcomes, and survive the obstacles, is definitely an advantage.

Characters: ?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


  • Assume a container with a finite amount of a material with heavy density (so heavy liquid, or solid) inside it. Can apply a stream of a liquid or gas with constant velocity (so lighter liquids and heavier gas. too light gas very hard to control) in a more global picture (globe being as big as the steady environment surrounding the process) to empty the container out of the heavy material mentioned before. Of course, the heavier the material, the harder the perfect, or proper, completion of the process will be. (Guiding the chaotic nature of the stream of the liquid or gas to perform a more useful task)
  • Average: The idea behind taking the average of a set of data is to find a point around which lie the majority of the values, or directions, of such set of data, independently of the nature of the data. When that point is found, it is possible to predict the values of different sets of data, according to different frames of referenece. If a value is assigned to every individual to represent their intelligence, according to a very fair system of measurement, it becomes possible to more accurately place these values in the neighborhood of the average value, and therefore, predict the individual's actions, or foresee their decisions, IF, and only IF, there is enough initial data to be used in the process of determining the right direction of the data sets, since the human brain shows highly dynamic behaviour. (The process of prediction uses the distance between the single value and the average value (in both magnitude and direction sense), along with the data set describing the individuals critical characteristics to evaluate the probability of a certain decision being made or certain action being taken in the individual's case.)

NOTE: Sorry for the lack of the proper usage of paragraphs. The blog editor is totally acting like a 10-Euro crackhead manwhore in the back alleys of Kreutzberg.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

And Even More...

But she wouldn't do that. She's not a stupid slut. She has pride! Or does she? Uh, who am I kidding? Of course she does.

Our brains, no matter how inefficient and useless they are in most cases, do offer us a very big advantage. Again, the so-called "reason" behind our superiority over animals, or the mystery behind our intelligence, is the ability to learn, to be able to create new networks, and destroy the existing ones, by any means or intent.
It does do wonders when employed effectively, again, by any means or intent.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

More Random...

I am wondering in what condition a man whose testicles and head (where your brain resides) are tied to the roof of a 10 story building with two ropes, each of length 25 feet, separately, would be after traveling a height of 15 feet if he were thrown off the roof.

She hasn't really seen too much real happiness in her life, so I think it's my duty to bring her some. Not being pitiful, but I believe she deserves it, and it is only fair for her to get what she deserves. Plus, I am quite fond of her in many ways.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

“The Father, The son and The Smoker”

- Excuse me, Sir. Can I talk to your son for a second?
- Of course.

[Calls son. Son casually walks down the stairs.]

- Yes?
- Yeah, hi. I was wondering if you had a smoke…
- I’m sorry?
- A smoke. Uhmm…a cigarette.
- Yeah, I know what a “smoke” is. But I’m sorry, I don’t smoke.
- Yes, I’m afraid this is a misunderstanding. My son doesn’t smoke.
- But…but I know you’re a smoker!
- Really? Are you a psychic? Because I’d really want to know the future outcome of a few things happening in my life, such as this thing I have for this girl I know…

[Father clears throat in an objecting manner.]

- Anyway, I don’t smoke, man. Now if you’ll excuse me…
- I know you’re a smoker! I once smelled it on you!
- What?!
- Hey, man. You’re really pushing this far. I mean, what the fuck?!
- This one time I bumped into you and smelled cigarette smoke on you, and I’m dead sure.
- Look, buddy. I’m aware that you’re entitled to your right to choose whatever lifestyle you wish to pursue. However, I should demand that you keep me out of your fantasies, which if I may add, sound rather twisted.
So, you may imagine whatever you want, but I do not smoke. Therefore, I couldn’t have smelled like tobacco. Q.E.D.
- What?!

[Son sighs loudly.]

- Never mind.
- Give me a fucking smoke, You Cheap Asshole!
- What the fuck is your problem, Assface?
- What is my problem? What is your fucking problem? What is it? Not getting laid enough?

[Son jumps down and runs towards the smoker.]

- Guys, I don’t think this is an appropriate way for dealing with your problem.
- What problem?! What in fuck’s name are you talking about, Old Fart?
- Ahh, Lord…
- Fucking prick! I’ll slice you up like a piece of Salami!
- I’ll fucking smash your head to pieces with your fucking hammer!
- May the Lord save us all.

F.FIRE July 26, 2005

[1] Quod Erat Demonstrandum, which in Latin means “That which was to have been proved.” Traditionally placed at the end of proofs, the QED is now usually indicated by a small square. Also, Q.E.F (Quod Erat Faciendum, meaning “That which was to have been shown.”) was traditionally used to mark the end of a solution or calculation.


True love is a tragedy. Anything with a happy ending is just an illusion.

The energy of a signal, function, entity, or system, with respect to a certain frame of reference is equal to its magnitude with respect to the said frame of reference.

75% of a chimp's brain is formed and developed at the time of birth. This drops down to 25% in humans.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


It's been known that optimism might lead to disappointment. Therefore, one shall assume that all women are sluts, until proven otherwise.