Thursday, August 06, 2020

The Apocalypse

The fact of the matter is that the interconnected dynamical system which is planet earth is going through a cycle of re-stabilization via collective extreme events, also known as chaotic phenomena, or just Chaos. It's a universal law governing the behaviour of all interconnected dynamical systems, which is essentially the known Universe. Systems achieve critical or partial stability, while they are also highly sensitive to initial conditions. In simple terms, even small changes to the state of the inputs to the system result in extreme fluctuations in the system output, and behaviour. These extreme fluctuations can render the state of the system as completely unstable, or in other words, chaotic. Systems can switch between partial stability and total disorder, or remain in perpetual chaos.

If the temperature does rise 0.5 or 1 degree, if the population does cross over the threshold, if the pollution does pass the mark, if the sea levels do rise by a foot or two... these all can result in catastrophic events, including mass extinctions. 

What we are experiencing is the beginning stages of such state for planet earth. We as humans have been the "wild card" factor in this dynamical system, and we have royally skewed the bias. The earth will heal itself through acts of extreme aggression, however, whether we will survive to heal with it remains to be seen.

We could, if we already have not advanced that far, try to become more and more in tune with the natural world around us. We could attempt to re-think and re-imagine our past lives and routines, and we could make changes accordingly to align with the universal law. This is nothing noble or new, it's has been discussed and practiced by many people over the ages. All the apocalyptic stories in the scriptures and different cultures, including the myths of civilizations long lost, point to this destruction of man-made societies and empires in consequence of destructive habits, behaviour and events. The flavours are varied, but the symbolism of the tales represent the same concepts.

What is different now is the fact that we are being presented by the Final Warning. It may already be extremely late. It may already be a lost cause, but we could still make a difference. We could see the Light.

And to those who choose to go against the natural law, and ignore the Warning by being distracted by anything other than complete alignment with the natural forces: enjoy the poison of your rotting ego, and may Kali Ma bring forth your just end.

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Your Ego & The Spiritual Con Artists

It appears that a new trend is flourishing in the contemporary world of Western Spirituality. This trend seems to revolve around the concept of loving and celebrating the ego in the spiritual process.
The birth and existence of this kind of trendy nonsense are, in some ways, the direct result of mindless inclusive New Age kitchen club ideology and the hopelessness of modern schools of bullshit spirituality.

If you have not come about destroying and dissolving your ego, you're on the path to Nowhere, not a spiritual path. You first have to become nothing, before you can even contemplate becoming anything. The current 'you' needs to die for you to embark on the journey. Sticking to the old comforts, even when they are dressed as something else, will result in an infinite loop of circling around the same dead-end road. Distractions and the various forms they come in only serve to hold back one from reaching that point of sweet Death. One needs to become humbled, reduced to ashes and dirt, crushed into non-existence... and only then, once they have been laid to waste, can they start becoming something. Only then, can they start planting foot on the first steps of the Ascension ladder.

There is no shortcuts or quick routes to the spiritual process. It is fighting tooth and nail for a lifetime to little by little scrub the orb and bring more and more shine to it, the unthinkable process of starting from "filth" and arriving at "gold".
It is also quite the solo endeavour. Spirituality of the purest kind has never been a social experiment. There is no need or requirement for group activities, and more often than not, the addition of other individuals to one's quest will result in deviations, distractions and other kinds of obstacles preventing the person from moving forward.

The process may take many many years, but no notable spiritual master has ever achieved the feats they have through loving their ego or celebrating it. Every single one, though, has excelled tremendously after silencing that voice.

Anyone who claims to be a spiritual guru, is anything but that. Spiritual gurus are made through years and decades of hard work, extensive studying, deep meditation, impeccable discipline and endless patience. And they are always known to be gurus by those around them, not through self-proclamation.

It is not much of a surprise when one of the common elements running among all the contemporary self-proclaimed spiritual gurus is their deep love for the materialistic rewards of the advice and help they promise to give out and away. Being a spiritual master has become a profession.
As a rule of thumb, any person who offers one salvation, but at a monetary or non-monetary price, should be treated with grave skepticism. After all, isn't that what the churches, the mosques and other so-called holy places have offered the masses for centuries? You will be saved by the Saviour, however, you best pay the middlemen and the deal-makers of that great achievement.

There are massive libraries of sources and materials available to anyone who knows where to look for free. Considering the fact that every journey starts with the individual, with the help of what the individual carries inside, one should never have to seek the guidance of others, especially if it comes at a price.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mind, Soul, Brain, Human Behaviour: So Below

Note: The points and propositions mentioned are considered to have strictly mathematical implications and are, therefore, textual descriptions of mathematical equations, formula and statements.

  • Assumptions:
    • Nervous system is a wholesome network where different components interact and work with each other, and when considering the bigger picture, a separate component cannot be studied independently of others.
    • Human experience is a continuously-happening phenomenon within which the present and future states are very dependent on the past states.
    • The structure of the information processing within the brain is hierarchical.
    • All neural activities inside the brain are materialistic and possible to quantify and model. 
    • The significance of thresholds: low-level networks characteristics, and the effect they have in the functioning of higher-level networks. 
      Individual networks and the smaller groups they form are at equilibrium state until a certain level of stimuli causes them to excite and produce a different output. In the bigger networks, these points where the networks change behaviour can collectively act as thresholds that determine the functionality of their higher-level networks. In other words, thresholds are the limits which define and determine the functioning of neural networks.
    • Even though the circuitry inside the human brain has become optimized and evolved to fulfill certain goals and purposes, it still suffers from various materialistic limitations and functionality flaws. The latter is more evident in the higher level processing of information inside the brain. One could say that the circuitry is much more optimized and efficient for lower level information processing and the computation of motor skills related data.
    • The principle of neural structures within the brain is to essentially process the information already stored in the memory (all the appropriate information, including sensory, cognitive, etc.) with respect to the information received through the senses, and save the new results.
  The bottom line: The functioning of the brain is, to a large part, very materialistic and possible to model and explain. Any presumption about other natures of the functionality of the brain is a by-product of the way it functions.

  • A simple hierarchy:
    • Lower levels:
      • Motor activities and the corresponding information
      • Low-level processing of the information collected and received by the senses (touch, taste, smell, vision, auditory, etc.)
      • Bodily-related cognitive activities
    • Higher levels:
      • Emotions based on bodily reactions
      • Medium level cognitive activities
      • Emotions based on brain activities
      • Higher level cognitive activities (usually resulting in manifestation of behaviour)

  • The propositions:
    • The activity and functionality of an individual brain cannot be properly understood without considering the social, cultural, temporal and historical contexts in which it is utilized.
    • The individual brain’s general understanding of the world it perceives profoundly affects its general higher-level functionality.
    • Formation of each concept (whether it has a direct materialistic correspondent in the outside world or not, i.e., whether it is the ‘taste of ice cream’ or the ‘fairness of a judge’) within the brain is accompanied by the formation of a bias towards that concept.
      The bias is a function of bodily reaction towards that concept. Bias alters the result of future concept evaluations in: constructive-neutral-destructive ways. Bias can be defined or determined as a function of the size of its corresponding neural network(s).After lower-level processing, information is processed in a conceptual state. Various initial information gathered that is related to the same category is 'associated' with a concept, and then further classified. In the end, a single concept can have many different lower-level information associated to it.These concepts are collections of one or many group(s) of neurons. The size and formations of these groups can determine the 'bias' of the individual towards the concept. 
    • Emotions can be considered as functions of the feedback that is received from the organs by the brain. The bodily feedback is associated with a feeling or an emotion. The more the same stimuli invoke the same type of bodily response which eventually translates to the same type of emotion, the more refined and optimized body's response and the speed of the emotion's recognition and establishment and its subsequent effect back on the body.
    • The nature of the processes is supervised and unsupervised manipulation of the memory. The supervised manipulation requires a certain level of awareness which translates into a certain level of consciousness.
      Down on the lower levels, the way the brain
      performs the supervision is by controlling the direction and amount of blood flow to various parts within the organ.
    • The sequence in which the processed results of lower-level information processing in the brain are applied in higher-level information processing: Results from processing the information received by the senses, processed data related to motor behaviour, are combined in certain ways in the process of computing the higher-level states of the brain. 
    • Extreme forms of thoughts and behaviour are much more crucial and useful in understanding the functioning of the brain than the normal and common thought and behavioural patterns, since they act as “points of extrema”.
    • Human traits and characteristics are, in general, very universal. The differences are essentially the results of different local environments and habitual conditions.
    • The case for the uniqueness of human behavior: Humans choose one outcome at the point of acting and engaging in behaviour, they may consider a few options, but generally and in most cases, one is preferably chosen. This fact would have interesting mathematical implications in modeling human behaviour.