Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I don't believe in conventional systems of morality most others choose to believe in. I'd rather use my own system of thoughts which are open to progression and evolution, and those which are dedicated, in theory and practice, to a mighty powerful skill a group of men have developed throughout the history of mankind's intellectual evolution, to search and seek the truth through scientific process.

I apply the morality of decrseasing the error of choosing the wrong alternative while making decisions and performing actions, based on my own level of understanding and knowledge of the state of different factors involved in any particular situation. The morality is shaped and formed to serve my own survival, although given the rather uncertain nature of most factors and events, it's subject to change.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like your blog title Duality. Specifically, I like your thing about the relationship between morality and scientific process. When we have no scientific knowledge established already, morality can be a guide as the first attempt.