The issue of trying to associate every single happening with a more spiritual, or deeper, meaning and essence while in all honesty, the chain of events could not have a more deterministic and simple sequence of patterns, has been the cause of many people's, implicit or explicit, suffering throughout the ages.
Many of the concepts held-high by different groups of people in any group types (cultural, economical, continental, regional, etc.) have nothing special and extraordinary to them. The predictability of the ways in which they can be achieved, caused, and controlled shatters the image of them as the absolute positively-valued beliefs, traditions, thoughts and guides to live by, and makes them as ordinary as the leaves changing colors at the beginning of the fall, the infant's cries at the time of hunger, and the force of attraction caused by gravity on the surface of the earth. (Of course, the sensitive nature of these phenomena, and the fact that they can change under different circumstances cannot be ignored, but is irrelevant to the point being made.)
It is, indeed, very amazing that these all work the way they do, and help create the "civilization(s)", and assist in guiding and forming the "life" that the humans have been living throughout the history. However, not being able to observe the widespread imperfections, the incompetence of the created networks, and the down right shitty states in which most of these phenomena behave, react and procreate(*), is just a simple sign of an extremely naive perspective which is very common among the "intelligent" animals.
(*) - These issues are direct or indirect results of the simple, and mostly lacking, patterns and sequences through which different processes act, react, create, destroy, behave, etc.
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